Annette Hauschild

Annette Hauschild


Annette Hauschild
* 1969 – based in Berlin

First love, the last day of the week or the mystical island of Atlantis – Annette Hauschild can photograph it all. Maybe it’s because she’s open to every subject, or because she tries to abandon even the slightest bit of prejudice or it could be, because she’s ready to be surprised by every new frame. Maybe it’s because her photography is so down to earth and as close to the subject as it gets.

Oftentimes, it all starts with a location: the places, where teenage lovers meet, the destination of a weekend trip, shops, bars or hotels by the name Atlantis, etc. etc. Then again she uses the people from a place to describe it by means of them. In december 2012, she took the M29 Bus in Berlin, got off at every stop and took portraits of the people there. – Even though she had talked to all of them before taking their picture, there is not the slightest clue to be found in their faces that could indicate, that the people were set up. Annette Hauschild can always get through to people and create that type of confidence, that allows them to be completely natural in front of her camera.

Interesting enough: for the OSTKREUZ – anniversary exhibition „On Borders.“ she portrayed a people, which is specifically characterized by not having a fixed home. For this work on Roma, she travelled for weeks through southern Europe. Annette Hauschild, who was born in Gießen, moved to Berlin, at age 20. She studied at the Lette-Verein and later under Arno Fischer. She became a member of the agency in 1996 and organized the exhibitions „OSTZEIT. Stories from a vanished country“ and „On Borders.“ together with Ute Mahler. Her works are widely exhibited and published. She lives and works in Berlin.


Complete Work of Annette Hauschild
